Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapters 13 - 18

A lot has happened with the "liberation" plan since we last met. What do you think about the plan now? What is working and what is not working? Do you still think this was a good idea?


  1. Julia thinks that Frita's plan is fairly efficient but not completely thought through. Annemarie thinks the kids are in way over their heads with the adults. Julia wishes Frita had taken a less direct approach with Mr. Evans because even with all of her toughness this is one problem she can't fix by herself. (Annemarie agrees.)
    The fears that are in Gabe's head can be conquered by Frita's plan but the biggest fear on Frita's list needs a lot more than liberation. ~Julia

  2. We think the plan is definitely working. Gabe realizes that Terrance is really a fun and nice brother to Frita. That is important because it gave Gabe confidence and made it easier for Gabe to visit Frita and to go in the basement.

    Yes, this plan is definitely a good idea for Gabe's fears because it is helping Gabe get over them. But for Frita it has made her fears worse becasue when she appraoched Mr. Evans he whispered something scary to Frita.

    We realized that there are some fears that you should face alone and some only with an adult.

  3. I agree completely... Frita seems like a very brave person and I know that she wanted to assume the best about Mr. Evans, but sometimes fears are very real and keep us away from danger. I think that's the purpose or benefit of some fear, to keep us away from situations that could be dangerous.

    For the other fears (like Gabe's fear of Terrance) the plan has definitely been successful. I am glad Terrance and Gabe are friends now, I think it will not only help Gabe, but also soften Terrance and help him deal with his anger.

    -Ms. Robinson
