Friday, April 3, 2009


ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE OUR CHOOSE CIVILITY BOOK CLUB EXPERIENCE: Enlightening, Lifted Spirits, Intergeneration, Inspiring, Interesting, Respect, Happy, Forgiveness, New/Thought Provoking, Exciting, Encouraged

WOW! What a great time we had in our first Choose Civility Book Club. I would like to thank a few people who made this book club possible. First and foremost I send a huge thank you to the parents and students that joined this effort. Thank you for participating in the meetings and discussions. You're willingness to give up some of your mornings for meetings and working around your busy schedules to read the chapters and blog showed your dedication.

To my fellow colleagues, thank you for the support and your sacrifice of time in and out of school. Your participation didn't just speak volumes to me, but also demonstrated your passion for education to our community.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to the administration and office staff of Atholton Elementary School for allowing this opportunity to take place. The support that Mrs. Balter, Mrs. Anoff, and Mrs. Ford displayed were valuable and appreciated by all.

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